Catriona Dowling race the 10 km in a time of 46.14, (5th).
Congrats in very hot conditions.
Mo Espinoza was 3rd age group in a time of 50.26.
Great race on the come back from injury.
Jenny Martin raced the 5km in a time of 31.02 (8th )
Nancy Kinney did her first half ironman - 6.09.44
Jeff mack did a huge pr - 5.55.48
Bruce Wilson was 2nd in his age group - 6.42.55.
Great results again at the BB, some racing, others running with family and friends.
Carol Babb- 55.48 (12th)
Sheri Wright- 48.48 ( 6th)
Vickie Stubbs ran 4.44.45, a great results for some one that was worried she would not finish.
Bruce Wilson ran 5.07.14 and was 2nd in his age group.