Spring Base - Week 1 - Gazelles

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Spring Base Week 1 - February 10th thru 16th        

House Keeping Notes

1. Weekly Schedules ARE NOT PASSWORD Protected   

2. Winter/Spring Saturday Meeting time @ 7:30 am

3. Weekly Strength with Colleen @ 4:30 pm on Monday’s and Thursday’s via Zoom Virtual

    personal meeting id #: 463-600-3626…password: 103802

    cost = $50/month payable thru Venmo @ the beginning of each month…@Darren-DeReuck

4. Core/Strength with Darren on Zoom @ 11:00 am on Tuesday  

    Core/Abs with Darren on Zoom @ 11:00 am on Thursday 

    30 min class - $5 and payable thru Venmo (@Darren-DeReuck)

    meeting #: 463-600-3626…password: 103802

5. Discount Code for Zealios Products (25%): ZupBOULDERSTRIDERS

    Website: www.teamzealios.com

6. Lucky Leprechaun 5 km - Sunday March 16th

      Sign-Up on Website: www.teamboco.com - Discount Code: BOULDERSTRIDERS


Monday 10th            Cross Train Day

                              Lift Weights/Pilates (Mat or Reformer)/Yoga – 45 to 60 minutes

Tuesday 11th           Easy/Light Run 40 minutes 

                              Include 5 x 30 sec light strides…45 sec walk/run

                              do light strides after 20 minutes of running

Wednesday 12th      NO Group Fartlek Workout

                              East Boulder Rec @ 6:30 am OR Pearl East Business Park @ 5:30 pm

                              Warm Up 15 min/Stretch/4 x 30 sec strides (45 sec walk/run)

                              4 min @ half marathon effort…2 min active rest

                              4 x 2 min @ 10 km effort...60 sec walk/run

                              take 2 min active rest after fourth 2 min

                              4 min @ half marathon effort

                              take 2 min active rest

                              4 x 90 sec @ 10 km effort...60 sec walk/run

                              active rest = walk/slow run recovery

                              Cool Down 5-10 minutes

Thursday 13th          Cross Train Day

                              Lift Weights/Pilates (Mat or Reformer)/Yoga – 45 to 60 minutes

Friday 14th              Shake-Out Run 40 minutes

                              Include 5 x 45 sec light strides…60 sec walk/run

Saturday 15th          Tempo/Short Hills Workout – South Boulder Rec @ 7:30 am

                              Warm Up 15 min/Stretch/4 x 30 sec strides (45 sec walk/run)

                              7 min @ half marathon pace…2 min active rest                                

                              4 x 75 sec steady up…turn…75 sec steady down

                              take 60 sec active rest after each 2:30 min interval

                              7 min @ half marathon pace…2 min active rest

                              3 x 60 sec steady up…turn…60 sec steady down

                              take 60 sec active rest after each 2 min interval

                              active rest = walk/slow run recovery 

                              Cool Down 5-10 minutes

                              Plyo’s//Strength @ 10:00 am – on Zoom

Sunday 16th            Easy Long Run – 70 minutes   

                              Time on Legs/Relaxed Pace/Hydrate on the Run

                              5 min Walk Cool Down                              


Easy/Light/Recovery Run - Conversational Pace/Relaxed Effort

Long Run – 60-90 sec Slower than your Marathon Goal Pace

Tempo/Sustained - Run between 70-80% Effort of Max

Fartlek – Playing with Fast/Slow Speed

Hills - Work on Good Form (drive with arms/relax the shoulders/get up on toes/quick

          turnover/mid-foot strike on the downs/look 5-10 feet in front of yourself)


Meeting Places

East Boulder Rec - follow Baseline east to 55th St. Take a right on 55th and follow the road until the sharp left turn and go past the first parking lot and tennis courts towards the Rec Center. Park on the West Side of the Rec Center Parking Lot close to the tennis courts

Pearl East Business Park – take the Pearl Street off ramp from Foothills Parkway and head east on Pearl Parkway. Take a right turn onto Pearl East Circle and then your first left and look to park close to the bike path

South Boulder Rec – follow Broadway south past Table Mesa Drive. Take a right on Grinnell Ave and follow Grinnell until Gillaspie Drive. Take a left on Gillaspie and go past the rec center and park in the overflow parking SOUTH of the rec center

Coach's Notes

Base Week 1 of our WINTER/SPRING Training…schedules are NOT PASSWORD PROTECTED…Fartlek on Wednesday and Tempo/Short Hills on Saturday.

Have an AMAZING Week Everyone!!!

Welcome to Spring Training and our focus on Bolder Boulder again!!! We are jumping straight into training…so for those joining that were not in the Winter Groups…please be sure to take these next couple weeks easier. Take the schedule runs easier or reduce the time by 5-10 minutes and run the interval days controlled. Although it is still theoretically Winter…we will ease our way into training and prepping for Bolder Boulder on Memorial Day…May 26th!!!

Cadence Boost is something all runners should look to improve on. Research has shown that 180 strides per minute is the optimum stride rate. Foot strike, posture, arm swing and stride rate are all factors when it comes to one's running economy. As you improve each of these technique variables, you'll be able to run faster while using less energy.

Stride Rate is of particular importance because it's indicative of one's overall running form. Runners with loping styles tend to have a lower foot strike frequency, taking longer strides and tending to get more air (bounding) between each foot strike, which means more energy is expended vertically as opposed to horizontally. On the other hand, athletes with higher foot-strike frequency (in the 180 strides per minute range), tend to be more mid- to forefoot strike oriented with greater horizontal velocity, shorter strides and better posture. Their more efficient form yields faster overall running on fatigued legs.

There are several ways to improve your running cadence:

incorporate strides into your easy runs where after 20 min easy you do 5-7 x 30 sec   

pick-ups where you work on quick turnover and executing perfect form (Tue runs)

run on a treadmill occasionally at your aerobic pace with the incline at 2-3 percent and focus     

on taking shorter, quicker steps as you run the incline

doing drills and plyometric training where you are working on quick cadence and power          

Next time we are doing a fartlek...in the middle of the interval…count how many strikes you have in 60 seconds and see how efficient you are...that is taking into account the fatigued legs and elevated heart rate. Also, during your long runs as the legs fatigue and you start getting into a rut…count your foot plants in a minute and see if your cadence is dropping off from been efficient…if you have dropped off…inject some pace back into your stride and notice the difference in how you feel when your legs are flowing at a good cadence.

Let's work on those SPM’S (strides per minute) and improve your running efficiency.

Here’s to Springing into the Session EVERYONE!!!












