Spring Base - Week 2 - Gazelles

Spring Base Week 2 - February 17th thru 23rd
House Keeping Notes
1. Weekly Schedules ARE NOT PASSWORD Protected
2. Winter/Spring Saturday Meeting @ 7:30 am
3. Weekly Strength with Colleen @ 4:30 pm on Monday’s and Thursday’s via Zoom Virtual
personal meeting id #: 463-600-3626…password: 103802
cost = $50/month payable thru Venmo @ the beginning of each month…@Darren-DeReuck
4. Core/Strength with Darren on Zoom @ 11:00 am on Tuesday
Core/Abs with Darren on Zoom @ 11:00 am on Thursday
30 min class - $5 and payable thru Venmo (@Darren-DeReuck)
meeting #: 463-600-3626…password: 103802
5. Discount Code for Zealios Products (25%): ZupBOULDERSTRIDERS
Website: www.teamzealios.com
6. Lucky Leprechaun 5 km - Sunday March 16th
Sign-Up on Website: www.teamboco.com - Discount Code: BOULDERSTRIDERS
Monday 17th Cross Train Day
Lift Weights/Pilates (Mat or Reformer)/Yoga – 45 to 60 minutes
Tuesday 18th Easy/Light Run 40 minutes
Include 6 x 30 sec light strides…45 sec walk/run
do light strides after 20 minutes of running
Wednesday 19th Fartlek Workout
East Boulder Rec @ 6:30 am OR Pearl East Business Park @ 5:30 pm
Warm Up 15 min/Stretch/4 x 30 sec strides (45 sec walk/run)
4 min @ half marathon effort…2 min walk/run
4 x 60 sec @ 5 km effort...60 sec walk/run
take 2 min active rest after fourth 60 sec
3 min @ half marathon effort...90 sec walk/run
4 x 75 sec @ 10 km effort...60 sec walk/run
take 2 min active rest after fourth 75 sec
2 min @ half marathon effort...60 sec walk/run
4 x 90 sec @ 10 km effort...60 sec walk/run
active rest = walk/slow run recovery
Cool Down 5-10 minutes
Thursday 20th Cross Train Day
Lift Weights/Pilates (Mat or Reformer)/Yoga – 45 to 60 minutes
Friday 21st Shake-Out Run 40 minutes
Include 5 x 45 sec light strides…60 sec walk/run
Saturday 22nd Tempo/Light Sustain Workout – Tom Watson Park @ 7:30 am
Warm Up 15 min/Stretch/4 x 30 sec strides (45 sec walk/run)
8 min @ half marathon pace…3 min active rest
4 min @ 10 km pace…2 min active rest
7 min @ half marathon pace…2 min active rest
3 min @ 10 km pace…90 sec active rest
6 min @ half marathon pace…2 min active rest
2 min @ 10 km pace
active rest = walk/slow run recovery
Cool Down 5-10 minutes
Plyo’s//Strength @ 10:00 am – on Zoom
Sunday 23rd Easy Long Run – 75 minutes
Time on Legs/Relaxed Pace/Hydrate on the Run
5 min Walk Cool Down
Easy/Light/Recovery Run - Conversational Pace/Relaxed Effort
Long Run – 60-90 sec Slower than your Marathon Goal Pace
Tempo/Sustained - Run between 70-80% Effort of Max
Fartlek – Playing with Fast/Slow Speed
Hills - Work on Good Form (drive with arms/relax the shoulders/get up on toes/quick
turnover/mid-foot strike on the downs/look 5-10 feet in front of yourself)
Meeting Places
East Boulder Rec - follow Baseline east to 55th St. Take a right on 55th and follow the road until the sharp left turn and go past the first parking lot and tennis courts towards the Rec Center. Park on the West Side of the Rec Center Parking Lot close to the tennis courts
Pearl East Business Park – take the Pearl Street off ramp from Foothills Parkway and head east on Pearl Parkway. Take a right turn onto Pearl East Circle and then your first left and look to park close to the bike path
Tom Watson Park - follow the Diagonal Highway to 63rd Street. Go north on 63rd for about a half mile and look for the sign saying Tom Watson Park on your right. Parking Lot is opposite Coot Lake on east side of 63rd Street. DO NOT park @ Coot Lake
Coach's Notes
Base Week 2 of our WINTER/SPRING Training…schedules are NOT PASSWORD PROTECTED…Fartlek on Wednesday and Tempo/Light Sustain on Saturday.
Have a BRILLIANT Week Everyone!!!
The Chicken and the Egg...CONFIDENCE can seem like a mysterious phenomenon. Some days you wake and feel confident; the next day you may feel apprehensive. The same can be true with your running...one day you feel you could run forever and the next may feel like you are wearing cement block shoes.
- What allows you to feel confident running?
- Do you need to see good results first?
Maybe you haven't given this a lot of thought but I believe this is a huge factor in building one’s confidence. Of these two illustrations, which one best describes how you relate to confidence:
If you picked option 1…you are in the majority. Most people believe performance leads to feeling confident. The way most runners relate to confidence is that it is fleeting, elusive or completely dependent upon results. In other words, you believe you are only as good as your last workout or race. This approach works well as long as you are running great but doesn’t when you are not. If you picked option 2…you have an advantage. This approach is a completely different way of relating to confidence, whereby your state of self-assurance is what leads to optimal performance. You are capable of creating a confident state of being and bringing it to workouts and then races.
If you have experienced feeling confident at any time in the past, that feeling is now part of you and can be re-created. Confidence is a state of being--a combination of your thoughts, feelings and how these physically manifest themselves -- that exists within you and is something you can tap into. So, what can you do to have a more consistent and reliable state of confidence?
It all starts with awareness of what you currently believe about yourself.
* what are your stories about your running or your chances of success
* what are you saying to yourself that undermines your confidence
Words are Powerful! Even the words that never come out of your mouth but make up your self-talk or the running monologue in your head create your reality. This internal chatter is almost always in action and it shapes the way you perceive your world, yourself and your potential. The mind is always judging and assessing the events of our lives and if you think this isn't true, you haven't really been paying attention to your own internal monologue and how it's running you! And if you aren't aware of how your mind is impacting your perception of reality or your everyday world, you don't have much control over deciding how it works for or against you. When you notice yourself in a negative state you can make it easier to generate a feeling of confidence just by changing your posture. Pick up your head, relax the shoulders and get some deep breaths in and consciously think positive thoughts.
You have a choice about your state of being, and confidence is just one of many states that you could choose. By knowing that you have the ability to generate a state of confidence, you can now start to work on developing that as a skill to use during races. Armed with this knowledge and ability, you can bring a feeling of confidence to the start line and build a positive experience in which the more confident you feel the faster you will run and the faster you run the more confident you'll feel. This can become a positive cycle that leads to optimal performance.
Make some positive affirmations for yourself and when you start feeling tired in a workout or race…say those affirmations in your head or aloud and get back on the “positive train”.
Are you going to be the “PC” or “CP” runner…I know what I would choose every time.