Week 2 - June 20th thru 26th
Monday 20th Cross Training Day
Katie Lessman ran 2.18.36 for her long run after volunteering the day before at the half ironman.
Great races in very hot temperatures
Ashley Niles -5.02.53 (5th)
Bridget Dunn - 5.22.22 (7th)
Nancy Kinney -6.00.45
Jeff Mack - 6.24.03
Half Marathon-
Kath Courter - 2.00.41 (12th)
Kathy Huettl - 2.05.01
Lara Edwards - 53.54 (5th).
Great job ladies.
Great reults to every one who raced or ran with friends and family.
Mark Moynier- 41.23
Renee Israel - 43.37 ( 2nd)
Mark Shenk - 45.59